
Doing Your Part to Combat COVID-19

The novel coronavirus, known around the globe officially as COVID-19, has changed people’s lives in ways few thought possible. Sporting events have been postponed or canceled. Schools have shuttered for an indefinite period. Bars, restaurants, movie theaters, and many retailers are temporarily closed. People employed by these businesses face frightening economic uncertainty.

Individuals, families, businesses, and governments are taking extraordinary steps to slow the spread of COVID-19. be PREPARED


During this time, it is important to be a good citizen and smart businessman by following federal, state and local health orders aimed at slowing coronavirus transmission from person to person.

1. Merchant Cash Advance:

An MCA is a form business financing in which a lump-sum cash is given to a business for a percentage of future revenues or credit card sales. MCAs usually have shorter payment terms, and payments are often expressed as a percent of daily sales. MCAs are not loans. They are purchases of future processing receivables. Unlike a traditional business loan, Merchant cash advance has:

2. Use Downtime to Develop Your Business

Likely, coronavirus has impacted your retail operation in major ways. You may be shut down by local disaster declarations. You may have fewer customers because of general economic uncertainty. You are probably worried about how your business will survive the next few months.

Rather than fuss about what may happen in the near term, put your nervous energy to get your “ducks in a row”. Take these actions while business is slow to yield positive results when the economy gets back to normal:

Members of Congress and the President are negotiating economic stimulus packages to help people through the coronavirus pandemic. Though several ideas have been floated to the media, what that a stimulus package will entail remains unknown. The important things to do right now are strengthening your business and practicing good hygiene.

Practice Good Hygiene

For your health and the wellbeing of others, practice good hygiene at home and at your business. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following practices:

As a business owner, make sure you model these behaviors for your employees. Talk to them about the importance of slowing the spread of COVID-19. When everyone takes these simple steps, we all help “flatten the curve” so people can receive the medical care they need. To further educate yourself, review the World Health Organization Coronavirus Myth Busters page and share the information with your employees.